Links to Quality Improvement Resources

Introduction to Quality Improvement

Links to organisations providing essential reading and background to Quality Improvement

Royal College of Surgeons of England Quality Improvement in Surgery
Royal College of Radiology Quality Improvement in Clinical Radiology
Health Foundation Quality Improvement resources and publications
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)

Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals

Introduction to quality improvement for patients and public 

National Institute of Clinical Excellence Putting evidence based guidance into practice
NHS Wales Improvement Cymru


Quality Improvement Methods and Tools

Links to useful Quality Improvement methods and tools including templates

Advancing Quality Alliance (AQUA)

Driver diagrams (tree diagrams)

Leading improvement: an overview

Measurement for improvement: an overview

Institute for healthcare improvement

Model for Improvement

Quality Improvement essentials toolkit


Good governance handbook

Clinical audit: a guide for NHS Boards and partners

National Institute of Clinical Excellence Quality Improvement resources for commissioners


National Quality Improvement programmes

National programmes working to improve the quality of care and use the findings from the NPCA to underpin their work

National Clinical Audit Benchmarking Benchmarked NPCA data utilised for CQC hospital inspections
Getting it Right First Time Variation in urology surgery delivery and clinical practice


Last updated: 3 June 2024, 1:17pm