County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

Specialist MDT: South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Data Quality

Diagnosing Trust Specialist MDT
No. of Cancer Registry records 79 523
Performance Status recorded 20% 74%
PSA completed 91% 96%
Gleason Score completed N/A N/A
TNM completed 43% 59%
Stage variable assigned 49% 76%

Disease Presentation

Specialist MDT National
No. of men with disease status determined 395 23477
Percentage of men diagnosed with metastatic disease 23% 17%
No. of men diagnosed with M1 (metastases) 89 N/A


These indicators could not be reported this year for England as we were unable to assign a patient to a particular risk group due to the unavailability of information on Gleason score in the Rapid Cancer Registration Dataset