NPCA Annual Report 2016: Erratum, June 2017

13.01.17 – The National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) notified the NPCA that the data extract provided to the NPCA Project Team for analysis and presentation in the 2016 Annual Report was incomplete for some Trusts. The NPCA informed all Trusts providing prostate cancer care about this issue and circulated an apology from Jem Rashbass, National Director for Disease Registration and Cancer Analysis.

02.02.17 – The NPCA Team published an erratum presenting the analysis carried out by the NPCA Project Team following receipt of the missing data from NCRAS. Data for an additional 1,093 men are included in the analysis, which is presented in updated Tables 2.1, 2.2 and Appendix 2 from the 2016 Annual Report.

22.06.17 – Following Trust feedback the NPCA team have worked with the NCRAS to determine the best way to allocate patients to the Trust where their prostate cancer was diagnosed. These investigations have been summarised in a ‘Lessons Learnt’ document. An Updated Erratum presenting Tables 2.1, 2.2 and Appendix 1 using this new approach was published, in addition to the algorithm developed by NCRAS to determine ‘Trust of diagnosis’

NPCA Annual Report 2016: Erratum, June 2017

Lessons learnt: Annual Report 2016

NCRAS trust and date of diagnosis algorithms

Last updated: 8 March 2018, 5:35pm